When you apply to Connect we will talk with you, and the people who support you, to understand your goals and support needs. This will help us decide what services you need us to provide and which of our programs would best meet your needs.
Please be aware that some of our programs have time limits, limited access or waiting lists.
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Expedition to Employment Project
This program offers a broad range of pathways to students and youth to learn, build skills, gain exposure and pursue work. We will meet you where you’re at on your journey, and support you to pursue work at a pace and on the path that works best for you. We can support you to find a part-time job while finishing high school like your peers, assist in planning your transition from high school to adulthood, or help you explore and learn about your options to work in the community.
Competitive Employment Program
This program helps individuals to find and maintain paid work within one year. Ongoing support is provided to successful participants to encourage work retention and assist with career development.
Competitive Employment Transition Program
This program helps individuals who need further skill development. Participants are expected to find and maintain paid work within two years. Ongoing support is provided to successful participants to encourage work retention and assist with career development.
Community Placement Program
This program helps individuals who have the interest and ability to work independently in the community but are not ready or wanting to gain paid employment at this time. Training with on-site staff is available to a limited number of participants who need more intensive supervision. Program goals and options are revisited yearly.
Individualized Support Program
Helps individuals who have an interest in working and participating in the community and need intensive support. They receive one-to-one support to facilitate their participation in work and life-skills activities in the community.
Summer Work Exposure Program
This seven-week program provides meaningful work experiences to high school students and helps them develop work skills. Paid employment may be pursued on a individual basis.